Small sketch i made tonight... Actually i want to use the scene for a more detailed painting soon, but just had fun making it a small mood-sketch... :-)
Dunno... maybe 30 min?
Fake-pic I made for an add for a tanning salon here... They wanted a pic with the girl and the guy together, covered by white fur... Had to brush the guys whole shoulder...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Mech fighting fireflies... Small little joke for a friend on deviantart... Still, was fun!
About 1 hour and a bit I guess...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Well... Once again a mech...
I will start to do them more detailed soon I think, but this time just a small speedy for fun... Didn't really put much effort in this..
About 1 hour I guess...
Once again two mechs in combat... Had fun with this one... :-)
Maybe 1 hour... Not quite sure...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This time some mechs in combat... Just for fun tonight! :-)
... Maybe 1 hour, but not quite sure... I spend half of the time on the gunfire anyway ;-)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just watched "Barbie and the three Musketeers"!
Well... I guess you will see the connection...
Enjoy the "Barbienator"!!!
Same perspective and scene as the last mech... Was easier that way! ^^
About 1 hour...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mech leaving a burning... whatever! :-P
I'm trying to work more with contrast and light...
About 1-2 hours I guess...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Once again an easy sketch I just did for fun... Firing mech in the setting sun...
I just saw Star Wars the clone wars... bad movie, but the style is simply awesome! Like an 2 hour speed-painting in motion! Love it! :-P
I just had to do something afterwards, no matter what!
Took around 20 min I guess...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Small easy pic I made tonight, just to relax... Once more mech downtown. I really love the theme! :-)
It's quite soft, but I just wanted to catch the atmosphere...